Unable to connect to Windows VPN from iPad


I have a 16 GB iPad wifi I can't get to connect to VPN. The error I get is:
"A connection could not be established to the PP server. Try reconnecting. If the problem continues, verify your settings and contact your Administrator."

I have tried a variety of tasks to troubleshoot the issue:

  • I have verified that another iPad on another network can connect to the VPN I am trying to connect to
  • I can connect to this VPN from the same network the iPad uses on a Windows machine
  • I have verified an iPhone user can connect to this VPN from a different network
  • I have reset the iPad's network settings
  • I have reset the entire iPad and restored settings
  • I have compared my settings w/ a screenshot from the iPad that works and confirmed everything is correct
  • I have used the IP address and domain name of our VPN server in the settings
  • I have tried deleting the VPN settings in the iPad and recreating them
  • I have verified in the logs of VPN server that I'm not even getting to the VPN server (no log entry)
  • I have verified that I cannot VPN from the iPad on separate network (different ISP and router)

Are there any other ways to troubleshoot VPN on an iPad?

Best Answer

If you're trying to do this over 3G, be aware that AT&T's network will block VPN access (outbound) unless you have their Enterprise Data Plan.

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