Unable to increase IIS 7.5 upload limit (still 404 error)


I need to be able to upload large files to an ASP.NET application. I knew that IIS 7.5, by default, enforces a 30MB request limit. And I know that IIS throws a 404 error when you try to upload a file larger than the upload limit.

I have tried both to set a 500MB upload limit in my application's web.config and double-checked IIS console's Request Filter for the 500MB upload limit, successfully.

I still get a 404 error with a file large 23.2MB

I'm writing on SF because I believe it's not an application problem but a server configuration problem. What more can I check?

Best Answer

try the following in the web.config of your site. Look a the docs for what units the values are in.

in <system.web>

<httpRuntime maxRequestLength="2097151" executionTimeout="10000"/>

MSDN docs

in <system.webServer>

    <requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="1073741824"/>

MSDN docs