Unable to modify DCOM Config properties for a single application in Component Services


The following is appearing in the application server role events.

The machine-default permission
settings do not grant Local Activation
permission for the COM Server
application with CLSID
to the user [Domain][User] SID
([SID]) from address LocalHost (Using
LRPC). This security permission can be
modified using the Component Services
administrative tool.

I've solved a similar (application permission) problem on "IIS WAMREG admin Service" before by going into Component Services and assigning the correct permissions (Activate & Launch). However, the previous method seems impossible as all the properties are disabled for app id {000C101C-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}, also I noticed that it doesn't have a name – there are a few applications without a name, but the properties aren't disabled on them.

This is a fresh install of server 2008 (Std not R2) with sharepoint server 2010. Nothing appears to be "broken" that I notice, but I get many errors (over 100 for a single minute around 1am) in the event log and this isn't fun.

I've found a few pointers on google here, here & here, but am not convinced I should be changing the registry to solve this. According to this the app is MSIServer, but that doesn't appear. Does anyone know what the problem is, and why this is happening, and why I can't change the properties to solve the problem?