Unable to mount WebDAV share from terminal


I have a server running a WebDAV server. Using nautilus on the GUI of my ubuntu I can connect and read/write files.
I have tried on terminal with the following command:

sudo mount -t davfs http://<host>:<port>/<sharename>/ <destination>

And the result is:

/sbin/mount.davfs: mounting failed; the server does not support WebDAV

Is there another way to connect?

Best Answer

Had the same issue recently. Rather than point to a non-existent file, you can just disable the DirectoryIndex :

DirectoryIndex disabled

Documentation: https://httpd.apache.org/docs/trunk/mod/mod_dir.html#DirectoryIndex

Source: http://dimitar.me/upgrading-to-apache-2-4-will-prevent-webdav-listing-of-directories-containing-index-files/