Unable to Move Mailbox to new Database – 0 of 0 Succeeded


I'm selecting one mailbox to move to a new mailbox database in Exchange 2013, and when I start the Migration job in ECP it shows one Mailbox, but a few moments later when refreshing the job it changes to 0 mailboxes and then completes in an apparent normal state with 0 of 0 succeeded. I deleted this job and all previous ones from the list and tried again – same result. I deleted the job again and moved on to investigate.

Digging deeper in the console I ran Get-MoveRequest and received the following:

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>get-moverequest

DisplayName                                    Status                    TargetDatabase
-----------                                    ------                    --------------
SystemMailbox{8cc370d3-822a-4ab8-a926-bb94b... Completed
WARNING: The object support.local/Users/SystemMailbox{8cc370d3-822a-4ab8-a926-bb94bd0641a9} has been corrupted, and
it's in an inconsistent state. The following validation errors happened:
WARNING: Database is mandatory on UserMailbox.

The mentioned SystemMailbox appears to be pretty old and was "Disabled" in AD. I tried enabling and disabling the account again, but no joy. I am not able to remove the request as I cannot identify it, nor have I had any results from repairing the source and destination folder of my migration using:

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>New-MailboxRepairRequest -Database CleanDB -CorruptionType ProvisionedFolder,SearchFolder,Aggre

I am at a hard stop as it would seem the errors above are preventing my migration job from completeing and I have not been able to over come what I have found so far. Any advice? Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Run below command to check the database of "SystemMailbox{8cc370d3-822a-4ab8-a926-bb94bd0641a9}":

Get-Mailbox -AuditLog | FL Alias,ServerName,Database

If it remains display a warning "Database is mandatory on UserMailbox":

  1. Open ADUC and enable Advanced Features, find "SystemMailbox{8cc370d3-822a-4ab8-a926-bb94bd0641a9}" and open Properties.
  2. Switch to Attributes Editor and find "homeMDB".
  3. Copy this value from other mailbox which store in same database, and replace the value for problematic mailbox.

If it remain exists, we may need to recreate it by PrepareAD. Note: the AD account of those system mailboxes are disabled by default.