“Unable to open the Server service performance object.”


I have a group of servers which all show these symptoms. Every 2-7 days twice in a row, the following error shows up in the Application event log:

Unable to open the Server service performance object. The first four bytes (DWORD) of the Data section contains the status code.

The first four bytes are 34 00 00 C0. Event ID is 2004.

Googling for this always leads to this document on the Microsoft site:


However, it claims that to resolve the issue one has to "Restart the Server service".

The "Server" service is always running and to my knowledge has never ever not worked on any of those servers.

Any ideas?

Best Answer

When looking into this there seem to be two different things that can cause this problem.

Your running sharepoint in which case the recommendation is to update sharepoint if possible or try and rebuild performance counters.

There is some application that need to collect network performance data. To collect this data the account running this application need to be lcoal administrator on the server or it will not get access and this error will show up in event log.