Unable to ping/ssh/telnet new EC2 linux instance


I just created a new EC2 instance. Once the instance is running and has passed health checks, I try to connect to its IP via telnet on port 22 (because SSH wasn't working I'm going to basics).

I have:

  • opened security group's ports 22 and 80
  • create custom security group's ICMP rule for protocol echo reply
  • checked AWS statuses for outages -> none

The telnet line is:

telnet [PUBLIC IP ADDRESS] 22 => Connect failed

also tried

telnet [PUBLIC IP ADDRESS] 80 => Connect failed

I did the same for another existing instance and it works. What else can I still check for?

Best Answer

It turns out the bit of documentation that helped was this:

[EC2-VPC] Check the route table for the subnet. You need a route that sends all traffic destined outside the VPC ( to the Internet gateway for the VPC.

EC2 TroubleshootingInstancesConnecting

I added the route and was able to SSH into the instance.

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