Unable to RDP to a remote server — the user just stopped working


We have three servers hosted by Rackspace. I am using mRemoteNG to connect to all three. Historically, no problem. I could RDP to all three no problem. Then yesterday, one of them stopped letting me in, and it gives me this error:

RDP disconnected!  
Because of a protocol error, this session will be disconnected. 
Please try connecting to the remote computer again. 
Error code 3334.

I have tried to connect via the standard Windows RDP client. It just fails with no error. So it's not just the mRemoteNG client.

There are other users on the same server who can RDP to it just fine with their own user. But nobody can RDP to that box with my user. We also created new users, and none of them work for anyone either.

I have googled the snot out of this, and the ONLY fix I can find is to set mRemoteNG to use LARGEADDRESSAWARE. According to what I've read, the steps for this are as follows:

  1. Use Visual Studio command prompt (the normal windows one won't work). Make sure to run as administrator
  2. Enter the following command: editbin /LARGEADDRESSAWARE "C:\Program Files (x86)\mRemoteNG\mRemoteNG.exe"


But, when I do that, I am told: fatal error cannot open file C:\Program Files (x86)\mRemoteNG\mRemoteNG.exe


Remote server is Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard

Best Answer

Ok, problem solved.

We got onto the remote server as another user, went into:

Start > Admin Tools > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop Services Manager

From there, I killed the session for my user. Then, when I tried again, I was able to RDP in.