Unable to revert snapshot: “the vendor of the processors in this machine is not the same”


Recently we moved to a new Intel-based ESXi 6.0 server from an older ESXi 5.5 AMD-based server, both with 64bit processors.
We just copied the VMs folders from the old server to the new one, then powered them on and answered "I moved it" to the question that pops up. Everything went good, but today I tried to revert a VM to an old snapshot taken in the old server: ESXi does not complete the operation, and gives these two errors:

feature requirements of this virtual machine exceed capabilities of
this host's current evc mode

the vendor of the processors in this
machine is not the same

As far as I understood, EVC is a technology related to vCenter and vMotion, it prevents vMotion between servers with different processors/architecture, but I have a single server ESXi environment, without these features.
Is there a workaround these erorrs? Maybe editing VM configuration files?

Best Answer

Were the snapshots taken while the machine was powered on? If so the VM snapshot state requires the CPU features match the original state. Otherwise the feature set of the CPU would wildly change in the middle of powered-on operation, that's a huge no-no.

If it's powered off, yeah that makes no sense, it shouldn't matter.


You could try opening up the "vmsd" file and deleting the "snapshotX.type = 1" (where X is the index of the snapshot) line to make VMware think it's no longer a running VM snapshot. The vmsn file has binary data relating to the CPU that is running but it may ignore that when the type doesn't match. My homelab does not have differing CPU types so I cannot test this. :(