Networking – Unable to Telnet into Port 25 on CentOS PostFix Server


I'm trying to telnet into port 25 on a CentOS server that runs PostFix to test sending email messages from the server.

When I try to telnet in from another CentOS box on the same network I get the message below:

 Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused 

SELinux is disabled and I've opened port 25 in iptables…what else should I be looking at?

Best Answer

Run the following the check if postfix is listening on port 25/tcp:

netstat -plnt |grep :25

You should see a line like:

tcp 0 0* LISTEN 2460/master

If you don't see such a line, check /etc/postfix/

In that file, you should see a line like:

smtp      inet  n       -       n       -       -       smtpd

The first column is the port, which postfix derives from /etc/services.

You should look up general documentation on setting up Postfix, so your server doesn't become a spam relay. The CentOS wiki has fairly good documentation in that regard.


Also, look at which will describe how to configure Postfix to listen on different network interfaces. The relevant line will be found in /etc/postfix/

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