Unicorn error while hosting a Rails app with NGINX


All of a sudden my app stopped working and these are the last lines I am getting from


unicorn worker[0] -D -c /home/deployer/apps/myapp/current/config/unicorn.rb -E production: relocation error: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.1.0.0: symbol CRYPTO_memcmp, version OPENSSL_1.0.0 not defined in file libcrypto.so.1.0.0 with link time reference
E, [2013-02-28T18:32:49.240524 #23929] ERROR -- : reaped #<Process::Status: pid 26634 exit 127> worker=0
I, [2013-02-28T18:32:49.240810 #23929]  INFO -- : worker=0 spawning...
I, [2013-02-28T18:32:49.255824 #26647]  INFO -- : worker=0 spawned pid=26647
I, [2013-02-28T18:32:49.256438 #26647]  INFO -- : Refreshing Gem list

and production.log

Connecting to database specified by database.yml
Connecting to database specified by database.yml
Connecting to database specified by database.yml
Connecting to database specified by database.yml
Connecting to database specified by database.yml
Connecting to database specified by database.yml
Connecting to database specified by database.yml
Connecting to database specified by database.yml
Connecting to database specified by database.yml 

Last thing I did was a very little and inoffensive cap deploy, after the app stopped working I also try a cap deploy:rollback but the error is still there. I'm new to unicorn, what's going on here please?

Best Answer

Maybe it was some kind of VPS failure, from my admin panel I saw that the CPU usage was at max for no reason, so I shut it down and then restarted it and now it is working again...