Unresolved DNS name


In our company, we have two webservers, one has hostname s1.bankklient.cz and second s2.bankklient.cz.

Our application (thick client deployed to Windows OS using wininet as network connection api) which is deployed at our clients computers through country connects primarily to s1.bankklient.cz and when that webserver is not reachable, it connects to s2.bankklient.cz.

Large number of our clients (473 of total 4000) have problem reaching s2.bankklient.cz, as wininet returns error 12007 "Name cannot be resolved"

Our DNS server seems intact and also other DNS servers in internet can successfully resolve s2.bankklient.cz A record to IP address.

We are now trying to pinpoint issue cause and first thing we will try to run command ipconfig /flushdns at client computers.

I am concerned, that so large number of clients having the same issue. Where else could I look for the problem?

Best Answer

Given that both names are configured in pretty much the same way it is unexpected that it would work for one and not the other.

What you need to look for is what the clients having problems resolving the name have in common. The most obvious things to look for are:

  • Are a lot of them using the same ISP?
  • Are a lot of them using the same DNS server?
  • Are they using a different version of OS or libraries?