Apache Logging – How to Handle Unusual Hits for Localhost Site


I have an Apache 2.2 webserver running on Windows 7 with six virtual hosts set up.

  • Domain name A points to ?:/.../urls/1/
  • Domain name B points to ?:/.../urls/2/
  • Domain name C+D point to ?:/.../urls/3/
  • Domain name E* points to ?:/.../urls/4/
  • My public IP points to ?:/.../urls/5/
  • Localhost + network IP point to ?:/.../urls/6/

(pseudo-addresses and paths)

Edit: Actual order in config

  • Localhost + network IP point to ?:/.../urls/6/
  • My public IP points to ?:/.../urls/5/
  • Domain name A points to ?:/.../urls/1/
  • Domain name B points to ?:/.../urls/2/
  • Domain name C+D point to ?:/.../urls/3/
  • Domain name E* points to ?:/.../urls/4/

End Edit

I don't own domain name E yet, so for now I have it defined in my hosts file, and it works when I try to access it in a browser by the domain name.

I've been doing some extensive file structure changes and altered my virtual hosts a bit, so for now each site is just showing a test page that simply states which site it is. Domain name A/B/C/etc. Each site has its own access log and error log. All seemingly straightforward stuff. Having a private site on localhost is new to me. In the past, localhost, network IP and domain name A all pointed to my main site so there was no consideration for privacy.

What concerns me now is that site 6, which should only be accessible by localhost, and, is recording hits from external addresses in the access log. This site denies from all except my own addresses, and the foreign requests have resulted in 403 as expected, whether they attempt to access real files like index.html or something bogus, though a few requests have resulted in a 400 error which I'm not familiar with. When certain common errors are triggered, I redirect to a custom error script with ?code=$HTTP_CODE to dump %ENV data to a file in the hopes that I can glean some useful information about these hits and also return an error page to the user. Nothing as of yet makes any sense to me.

I want to know how/why these requests are reaching my internal addresses, if I should be worried about anything in ?:/.../urls/6/ being visible to the public, if I have misconfigured anything in Apache, and if so, how to fix it.

Here are some snippets that might be relevant. Paths and my web addresses have been obfuscated.

hosts file        domain-name-E.com          # domain that i don't own yet        www.domain-name-E.com      # domain that i don't own yet

httpd-vhosts.conf Edit: Adjusted to show actual order of VHs

<Directory "?:/.../urls/">
    Order Deny,Allow
    Allow from all

NameVirtualHost *:80

# site 6: private
<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot "?:/.../urls/6/www/"

    ServerName  localhost

    ScriptAlias /cgi/ "?:/.../urls/6/cgi/"
    <Directory "?:/.../urls/6/cgi/">
        AllowOverride All

    ErrorLog  "?:/.../logs/errors-site6.log"

  # CustomLog "?:/.../logs/access-site6.log" common
    LogFormat "%{%Y/%m/%d (%a) at %H:%M:%S}t    %a  Login: %u   Sent: %B B in %D µs   Status: %s/%>s for %H %m %{Host}i%U%q Using: %{User-agent}i   From: %{Referer}i" custom
    CustomLog "?:/.../logs/access-site6.log" custom env=!dontlog

    SetEnvIf Remote_Addr "127\.0\.0\.1"       dontlog
    SetEnvIf Remote_Addr "192\.168\.1\..*"    dontlog
    SetEnvIf Remote_Addr "XXX\.XXX\.XXX\.XXX" dontlog # my public IP address

# site 5 here
# site 1 here
# site 2 here
# site 3 here
# site 4 here


# site 6: private

Deny from all
Allow from
Allow from 192.168.1
Allow from XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX # my public IP address

?:/…/logs/access-site6.log (alignment tidied up a bit)

# timestamp                    # IP                                                                                   #  domain/path?query                # agent                                                             # referrer
2019/06/24 (Mon) at 18:50:52    Login: -   Sent:  226 B in   3001 µs   Status: 400/400 for HTTP/1.1 GET       -/                          Using: -                                                            From: -
2019/06/24 (Mon) at 19:08:14    Login: -   Sent: 1211 B in 512029 µs   Status: 403/403 for HTTP/1.0 GET       -/?code=403                 Using: masscan/1.0 (https://github.com/robertdavidgraham/masscan)   From: -
2019/06/25 (Tue) at 00:12:51    Login: -   Sent:  226 B in   3001 µs   Status: 400/400 for HTTP/1.1 GET       -/Login.htm                 Using: -                                                            From: -
2019/06/25 (Tue) at 02:26:21   Login: -   Sent:  226 B in   3000 µs   Status: 400/400 for HTTP/1.1 GET       -/Login.htm                 Using: -                                                            From: -
2019/06/25 (Tue) at 04:21:55     Login: -   Sent: 1211 B in 365021 µs   Status: 403/403 for HTTP/0.9 GET       -/?code=403                 Using: -                                                            From: -
2019/06/25 (Tue) at 09:28:05    Login: -   Sent: 1211 B in 309018 µs   Status: 403/403 for HTTP/1.1 GET      80/?code=403                 Using: Mozilla/5.0 zgrab/0.x                                        From: -
2019/06/25 (Tue) at 10:07:53     Login: -   Sent:    0 B in 384022 µs   Status: 403/403 for HTTP/1.0 GET       -/robots.txt?code=403       Using: -                                                            From: -
2019/06/25 (Tue) at 10:48:16   Login: -   Sent:    0 B in 464027 µs   Status: 403/403 for HTTP/1.0 GET       -/robots.txt?code=403       Using: -                                                            From: -
2019/06/25 (Tue) at 13:46:30   Login: -   Sent: 1211 B in 519029 µs   Status: 403/403 for HTTP/1.1 GET default/.html?code=403            Using: curl/7.64.1                                                  From: -
2019/06/25 (Tue) at 15:14:24   Login: -   Sent:    0 B in 375022 µs   Status: 403/403 for HTTP/1.0 GET       -/robots.txt?code=403       Using: -                                                            From: -
2019/06/25 (Tue) at 21:00:55   Login: -   Sent:  226 B in   3001 µs   Status: 400/400 for HTTP/1.1 GET       -/Login.htm                 Using: -                                                            From: -
2019/06/26 (Wed) at 01:33:22   Login: -   Sent:  226 B in   2000 µs   Status: 400/400 for HTTP/1.1 GET       -/testget?q=23333&port=80   Using: -                                                            From: -


[Mon Jun 24 18:50:52 2019] [error] [client]  client sent HTTP/1.1 request without hostname (see RFC2616 section 14.23): /
[Mon Jun 24 19:08:14 2019] [error] [client]  client denied by server configuration: ?:/.../urls/6/www/
[Tue Jun 25 00:12:51 2019] [error] [client]  client sent HTTP/1.1 request without hostname (see RFC2616 section 14.23): /Login.htm
[Tue Jun 25 02:26:21 2019] [error] [client] client sent HTTP/1.1 request without hostname (see RFC2616 section 14.23): /Login.htm
[Tue Jun 25 04:21:55 2019] [error] [client]   client denied by server configuration: ?:/.../urls/6/www/
[Tue Jun 25 09:28:05 2019] [error] [client]  client denied by server configuration: ?:/.../urls/6/www/
[Tue Jun 25 10:07:53 2019] [error] [client]   client denied by server configuration: ?:/.../urls/6/www/robots.txt
[Tue Jun 25 10:48:17 2019] [error] [client] client denied by server configuration: ?:/.../urls/6/www/robots.txt
[Tue Jun 25 13:46:30 2019] [error] [client] client denied by server configuration: ?:/.../urls/6/www/.html
[Tue Jun 25 15:14:24 2019] [error] [client] client denied by server configuration: ?:/.../urls/6/www/robots.txt
[Tue Jun 25 21:00:55 2019] [error] [client] client sent HTTP/1.1 request without hostname (see RFC2616 section 14.23): /Login.htm
[Wed Jun 26 01:33:22 2019] [error] [client] client sent HTTP/1.1 request without hostname (see RFC2616 section 14.23): /testget

?:/…/logs/detail-site6.log (alignment tidied up a bit and some irrelevant key/val pairs omitted)

2019/06/24 at 07:08:15 PM
$VAR1 = {
  'DOCUMENT_ROOT'           => '?:/.../urls/6/www/',
  'GATEWAY_INTERFACE'       => 'CGI/1.1',
  'HTTP_ACCEPT'             => '*/*',
  'HTTP_USER_AGENT'         => 'masscan/1.0 (https://github.com/robertdavidgraham/masscan)',
  'QUERY_STRING'            => 'code=403',
  'REDIRECT_STATUS'         => '403',
  'REDIRECT_URL'            => '/',
  'REMOTE_ADDR'             => '',
  'REMOTE_PORT'             => '48100',
  'REQUEST_METHOD'          => 'GET',
  'REQUEST_URI'             => '/',
  'SCRIPT_FILENAME'         => '?:/.../urls/6/cgi/error/.pl',
  'SCRIPT_NAME'             => '/cgi/error/.pl',
  'SERVER_ADDR'             => '',
  'SERVER_NAME'             => 'localhost',
  'SERVER_PORT'             => '80',
  'SERVER_PROTOCOL'         => 'HTTP/1.0',
  'SERVER_SIGNATURE'        => '',
  'SERVER_SOFTWARE'         => 'Apache',

2019/06/25 at 04:21:55 AM
$VAR1 = {
  'DOCUMENT_ROOT'           => '?:/.../urls/6/www/',
  'GATEWAY_INTERFACE'       => 'CGI/1.1',
  'QUERY_STRING'            => 'code=403',
  'REDIRECT_STATUS'         => '403',
  'REDIRECT_URL'            => '/',
  'REMOTE_ADDR'             => '',
  'REMOTE_PORT'             => '1468',
  'REQUEST_METHOD'          => 'GET',
  'REQUEST_URI'             => '',
  'SCRIPT_FILENAME'         => '?:/.../urls/6/cgi/error/.pl',
  'SCRIPT_NAME'             => '/cgi/error/.pl',
  'SERVER_ADDR'             => '',
  'SERVER_NAME'             => 'localhost',
  'SERVER_PORT'             => '80',
  'SERVER_PROTOCOL'         => 'HTTP/0.9',
  'SERVER_SIGNATURE'        => '',
  'SERVER_SOFTWARE'         => 'Apache',

2019/06/25 at 09:28:05 AM
$VAR1 = {
  'DOCUMENT_ROOT'           => '?:/.../urls/6/www/',
  'GATEWAY_INTERFACE'       => 'CGI/1.1',
  'HTTP_ACCEPT'             => '*/*',
  'HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'    => 'gzip',
  'HTTP_HOST'               => '80',
  'HTTP_USER_AGENT'         => 'Mozilla/5.0 zgrab/0.x',
  'QUERY_STRING'            => 'code=403',
  'REDIRECT_STATUS'         => '403',
  'REDIRECT_URL'            => '/',
  'REMOTE_ADDR'             => '',
  'REMOTE_PORT'             => '32902',
  'REQUEST_METHOD'          => 'GET',
  'REQUEST_URI'             => '/',
  'SCRIPT_FILENAME'         => '?:/.../urls/6/cgi/error/.pl',
  'SCRIPT_NAME'             => '/cgi/error/.pl',
  'SERVER_ADDR'             => '',
  'SERVER_NAME'             => '80',
  'SERVER_PORT'             => '80',
  'SERVER_PROTOCOL'         => 'HTTP/1.1',
  'SERVER_SIGNATURE'        => '',
  'SERVER_SOFTWARE'         => 'Apache',

2019/06/25 at 10:07:53 AM
$VAR1 = {
  'DOCUMENT_ROOT'           => '?:/.../urls/6/www/',
  'GATEWAY_INTERFACE'       => 'CGI/1.1',
  'QUERY_STRING'            => 'code=403',
  'REDIRECT_STATUS'         => '403',
  'REDIRECT_URL'            => '/robots.txt',
  'REMOTE_ADDR'             => '',
  'REMOTE_PORT'             => '58418',
  'REQUEST_METHOD'          => 'GET',
  'REQUEST_URI'             => '/robots.txt',
  'SCRIPT_FILENAME'         => '?:/.../urls/6/cgi/error/.pl',
  'SCRIPT_NAME'             => '/cgi/error/.pl',
  'SERVER_ADDR'             => '',
  'SERVER_NAME'             => 'localhost',
  'SERVER_PORT'             => '80',
  'SERVER_PROTOCOL'         => 'HTTP/1.0',
  'SERVER_SIGNATURE'        => '',
  'SERVER_SOFTWARE'         => 'Apache',

2019/06/25 at 10:48:17 AM
$VAR1 = {
  'DOCUMENT_ROOT'           => '?:/.../urls/6/www/',
  'GATEWAY_INTERFACE'       => 'CGI/1.1',
  'QUERY_STRING'            => 'code=403',
  'REDIRECT_STATUS'         => '403',
  'REDIRECT_URL'            => '/robots.txt',
  'REMOTE_ADDR'             => '',
  'REMOTE_PORT'             => '54263',
  'REQUEST_METHOD'          => 'GET',
  'REQUEST_URI'             => '/robots.txt',
  'SCRIPT_FILENAME'         => '?:/.../urls/6/cgi/error/.pl',
  'SCRIPT_NAME'             => '/cgi/error/.pl',
  'SERVER_ADDR'             => '',
  'SERVER_NAME'             => 'localhost',
  'SERVER_PORT'             => '80',
  'SERVER_PROTOCOL'         => 'HTTP/1.0',
  'SERVER_SIGNATURE'        => '',
  'SERVER_SOFTWARE'         => 'Apache',

2019/06/25 at 01:46:30 PM
$VAR1 = {
  'DOCUMENT_ROOT'           => '?:/.../urls/6/www/',
  'GATEWAY_INTERFACE'       => 'CGI/1.1',
  'HTTP_ACCEPT'             => '*/*',
  'HTTP_HOST'               => 'default',
  'HTTP_USER_AGENT'         => 'curl/7.64.1',
  'QUERY_STRING'            => 'code=403',
  'REDIRECT_STATUS'         => '403',
  'REDIRECT_URL'            => '/.html',
  'REMOTE_ADDR'             => '',
  'REMOTE_PORT'             => '33716',
  'REQUEST_METHOD'          => 'GET',
  'REQUEST_URI'             => '/.html',
  'SCRIPT_FILENAME'         => '?:/.../urls/6/cgi/error/.pl',
  'SCRIPT_NAME'             => '/cgi/error/.pl',
  'SERVER_ADDR'             => '',
  'SERVER_NAME'             => 'default',
  'SERVER_PORT'             => '80',
  'SERVER_PROTOCOL'         => 'HTTP/1.1',
  'SERVER_SIGNATURE'        => '',
  'SERVER_SOFTWARE'         => 'Apache',

2019/06/25 at 03:14:24 PM
$VAR1 = {
  'DOCUMENT_ROOT'           => '?:/.../urls/6/www/',
  'GATEWAY_INTERFACE'       => 'CGI/1.1',
  'QUERY_STRING'            => 'code=403',
  'REDIRECT_STATUS'         => '403',
  'REDIRECT_URL'            => '/robots.txt',
  'REMOTE_ADDR'             => '',
  'REMOTE_PORT'             => '61954',
  'REQUEST_METHOD'          => 'GET',
  'REQUEST_URI'             => '/robots.txt',
  'SCRIPT_FILENAME'         => '?:/.../urls/6/cgi/error/.pl',
  'SCRIPT_NAME'             => '/cgi/error/.pl',
  'SERVER_ADDR'             => '',
  'SERVER_NAME'             => 'localhost',
  'SERVER_PORT'             => '80',
  'SERVER_PROTOCOL'         => 'HTTP/1.0',
  'SERVER_SIGNATURE'        => '',
  'SERVER_SOFTWARE'         => 'Apache',

Could this instead be a misconfiguration on my router? Or malware on my machine or router that is phoning home? If so, how can I check, and can I stop it sooner?

Or is this all just normal chaotic internet traffic that I can ignore and rest easy knowing it won't ever see my private site?

Best Answer

When you want a virtual host that only responds to queries for http://localhost do not make that virtual host available on all IP-addresses with the IP-address wildcard:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName  localhost

See the manual for exact VHost matching rules but doing the above gives Apache httpd only a single discriminator to use to select which requests should be handled by this virtual host, namely when the request includes the Host: localhost header and it won't verify that the request was made to either the localhost IP-address or the loopback network interface.

Instead bind that VHost to the specific localhost IP-address with either

    ServerName  localhost

or the equivalent

<VirtualHost localhost:80>
    ServerName  localhost
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