Upgrade Centos 5 tot PHP 5.2 or 5.3 [recommended way?]


We are using Zend Framework and in version 2, php 5.2 will be the minimum requirement. We love CentOS and we'd like to keep using it, but PHP 5.1 just won't do anymore when developing web applications with Zend framework.

I found several links to solutions to upgrade with external repositories.

Recommended method to upgrade PHP 5.1.6 to 5.2.x on CentOS 5.4



We'd like to see another solution with the use of an "official?" CentOS repository if any is available.

We only need to upgrade PHP, the rest of the CentOS setup is fine the way it is.
For us, it's important however to keep the YUM cycle intact using the normal repositories.

So in short: is it even possible to upgrade only PHP by using an external repo or otherwise? While still upgrading all our other packages safely through normal yum usage?

Thanks for your help!

Best Answer

The excellent Remi has the very latest PHP builds for legacy distros - I upgraded Fedora 6 to PHP 5.3 recently. Once you have installed the key as above, you can install PHP 5.3.1 like so:

yum --enablerepo=remi update php-\*

This will not affect normal upgrade/installation from standard repos, as "remi" is a separate repo and not active except for during this single request.

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