Upgrade glibc on RHEL4 without breaking anything


I have a static version of wkhtmltopdf which requires glibc-2.4

wkhtmltopdf: /lib/tls/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.4' not found (required by wkhtmltopdf)

I have apt installed with the DAG repos. Other than that the server is pretty stock standard except for Coldfusion MX7.

My question is, is it safe to just "apt update glibc"? Will the updated glibc clobber the old one or will they co-exist? Should I "apt upgrade" the whole server?

I'm pretty sure everything else (Apache2, Postgres8, etc) will handle the upgrade but Coldfusion concerns me due to its proprietry nature.

Best Answer

You could use a version compiled for glibc 2.3

In answer to your question I don't think upgrading glibc is a good idea as it may well break everything that relies on glibc 2.3.

I had similar problems and the above version worked for me.

Obviously you should make your own security assessment before installing software on the recommendation of a forum posting. :)