Upgrade RDS to new instance type


We have a db.m3.large RDS MySQL instance in us-west-2 w/ multi-AZ that we need to upgrade to a larger instance type (and would like to move to current generation, as well). However, for the last 2 days we can't upgrade to either db.m4.xlarge nor db.m4.2xlarge; when we try (through the console) we get:

Cannot modify the instance class because there are not enough
availability zones that have the requested instance class. Please try
your request again at a later time. (Service: AmazonRDS; Status Code:
400; Error Code: InsufficientDBInstanceCapacity; Request ID:

I know this maybe just be that AWS doesn't have capacity there, but given that it's been the case for 2 days now…

I've also wondered if maybe we drop multi-AZ we might be able to upgrade and then re-enable multi-AZ, but that's sort of grasping at straws.

(and I know this may be too much of a support question for serverfault, but I figure it doesn't hurt to ask…)

Best Answer

I think is this likely because our db.m3 is not in a VPC, and db.m4 instances are required to be in a VPC.