Ubuntu 16.04 – Upgrading wget


I'm trying to upgrade my copy of wget on the server. Currently its running:


The problem is that I need 1.19 so I can get a new feature:


My patch has been part of the changes released as Wget version 1.19.1,
so now (if you run that version or newer) you can just write something

wget –retry-on-http-error=503 …

We are having issues with a website giving 502 errors back when trying to request the images from them. Their tech guys are looking into it, but for the mean time I need a way to auto-retry the 502 files. This seems to fit the bill, but I can't seem to get it to upgrade.

apt-get update
apt-get install wget


Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
wget is already the newest version (1.17.1-1ubuntu1.4).

I'm not sure what else to try?

Best Answer

You don't necessarily need to go via the package manager, as long as you know which version goes where.

The GNU wget source tarball + compilation instructions can be found here: https://www.gnu.org/software/wget/faq.html#download

If this is your first time compiling software, try it on a separate computer or VM first - preferably one with the same OS version - so you know what to expect.

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