UPS – Two computers – How to get them to both shutdown when battery is low

upswindows 7

Short Version: How do I get 2 computers to shutdown when a UPS battery gets low?

Long Version:

I have an APC UPS, the RS 1500. It has a USB cord that goes into my main dev computer. My dev computer will shutdown when the battery gets low.

However, in addition, I have now hooked up a database server to the same UPS.

How can I have that database server also know that it needs to shut down when the battery gets low?

Best Answer

As Chopper3 writes, more expensive UPS' can have an option to attach networked shutdown software (for an additional cost).

For a free-of-charge implementation of networked power management you want APC UPS Daemon, apcupsd. Basically you install a manager instance of apcupsd on the PC that has the USB signalling cable attached, and install apcupsd clients on other PCs attached to the UPS power. The apcupsd instances use the LAN to communicate.

Apcupsd comes in both Unix and Windows versions, and the Windows versions have existed for quite some time, so I'd expect them to be stable enough. I don't know how easy it is to set up and configure on Windows. Take a look at it, and if you don't like it, there is always the option to buy a more capable UPS...

Remember, with networked UPS management the network switch needs to be on UPS power for the management software to work when power is out... :-)