URL filtering and squid performance


We are using squid web cache transparent proxy in our company and we usually have 450 users browsing during peak hours. We get lists of URLs (upto even 1600 URLs per list) from the national telecom authority for blocking. We block them using Squid ACL with a black list file but we experience significant performance degradation as soon as we apply the ACL in squid.conf. What is the remedy of this problem? How can we block such huge number of URLs?.

Best Answer

Whenever the Squid configuration is reloaded, everything Squid does is paused.

I suggest to use ufdbGuard, a free URL filter for Squid. When ufdbGuard reloads the URL database there is no negative effect for Squid or users browsing. One can download ufdbGuard from SourceForge and URLfilterDB.

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