URL not accessible from the a server but accessible elsewhere


I have a .asp webpage that uses Server.CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1") to send and receive information.

The target URL is [URL#1==>] https://pross1.csacs.cmscorp.net:2020/mypage.asp?hdnUserEntNum=5&hdnHybrid=x
[URL modified to keep it private]

I can successfully send/receive information to this URL from my local workstation (Vista), my dev servers (Win 2003 R2, Win 2008 R2). When I hit the URL from IE, I get a page that I am supposed to get.

When I hit the URL in my prod server (win 2008 R2), I get a PCBD. And the .asp that uses WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1 returns 'Request Timed Out'.

I have another similar URL [URL#2==>] https://pross1.csacs.cmscorp.net:4001/mypage.asp [Note the port number is different]. This URL is accessible via IE and via the .asp page from anywhere.
But URL#1 is not accessible on my prod server [Win 2008 R2] through IE or through my .asp page.

What are the possible reasons of this happening?
On my prod server –> nslookup for the server works fine; ping works fine; server's firewall (Windows firewall) is completely turned off; Virus Scan (mcafee) is completely disabled (temporarirly). The prod server is a part of our company's DMZ network.

When I access URL#1 in IE and view through netmon.exe, I see two retransmission requests to the destination IP. Thats it. With URL#2, I see a request, a SSL handshake, and it goes on.

Any insights? thoughts? would be helpful.

Best Answer

Am I understanding correctly that both URLs you provided exist ON the prod server, i.e. it's a local connection? Also, can you telnet from the prod server to the resolved IP of the destination server (whether local or remote) on the two ports? That can be used to rule out a firewall quickly. If you can't telnet, you can have your IT team monitor the FW logs for DENYs and try the page or telnet at their request.

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