Use a hard disk image with VirtualBox (or similar)


A customer has an old XP box with software on it that they need to keep (accounting software). They don't have the disks for the software. When the software starts, it says "license expired, you only have read only access to the data".

This makes sense, as the customer moved from Iris accounting to Sage some years ago now, but they need to access data in Iris from time to time.

I'd like to be able to take an image of the hard disk and provide access to their data through a virtual machine. This will enable them to ditch the aging hardware, it'll also mean that they're not depending on a single machine not failing for x number of years.

Is what I'm proposing possible through VirtualBox or similar?

Best Answer

You can use free VMWare converter to turn the box into virtual machine. Then you can use free VMWare Player to run it.