Use Active Directory Administrative Center outside domain


I'm setting up a Active Directory lab environment on a Windows 8.1 laptop. I now have a Windows Server Core 2012 domain controller running inside a VM. I installed Server Manager for Windows 8.1 and have set things up so I can manage everything from the Win8.1 host machine.

Well, everything except Active Directory Administrative Center (ADAC). When started it produces an error: Your account or computer is not joined to any domain. Join to a domain and try again. All other AD-related management tools work just fine.

Is it impossible to run ADAC outside an AD domain or am I still missing some configuration? I do not want to join the host machine to the lab domain.

Best Answer

Is it impossible to run ADAC outside an AD domain or am I still missing some configuration?

Yes. Most of the built-in tools to manage things relating to your domain require that they are being run as a domain user. That necessitates the machine they are running from be joined to that domain.

That said, there are 3rd party tools that can be used to manage a domain. For example, any LDAP browser can manipulate objects in the directory. You just don't get a lot of the GUI niceties like check boxes and radio buttons for certain properties.

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