Use backups if unavailable (not just down)


Using haproxy, I want:

  • A pool of 'main' servers and 'backup' servers, though they don't necessarily have to be in separate pools.
  • Each backend has a low 'maxconn' (in this case 1)
  • Clients should not wait in a queue. If there are no immediately available servers in the 'main' pool they should be shunted to the 'backup' pool without delay.

Right now I have one backend, 'main' servers have an absurdly high weighting and it 'works'.

acl use_backend + connslots is along the right lines but without the patch in my own answer it isn't perfect.

Bonus points for not requiring a modified haproxy binary.

Best Answer

The correct way is to add an ACL in the frontend which checks the amount of connections on the server, and then makes a decision based on that.

The config below will check the "monitor_conns" frontend and if there are 500 or more connections, they will be sent to the "backups" backend, otherwise they'll go to the "regular" backend.

Here's an untested example:

frontend monitor_conns
  bind *:80
  acl too_many_conns fe_conn 500
  use_backend backups if too_many_conns
  default_backend regular

backend backups
  ... your config
  server backupsrv check port 80 maxconn 1000 inter 1s rise 1 fall 1

backend regular
  ... your config
  server regularsrv check port 80 maxconn 500 inter 1s rise 1 fall 1

It's just an example, but it should give you an idea on how to proceed.

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