How to Use Certreq to Generate CSR and Install on Windows VM Without IIS Manager


I am running an Azure Windows VM. I used Certreq to create a CSR file using the following command:

certreq.exe -new request.inf nctest.csr

It all looks good. I have to pass the csr file off to a client who is then going to get the SSL from the domain registrar. I then need to get SSL up and running on the VM with the provided certificates.

It appears that I just need to run the command:

certreq -accept

And I'm good to go? I'm assuming I can use this as next steps:

However, I'm also unsure where to get the SSL certificate password mentioned here:

$mypwd = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "SSLCertificate password" -Force –AsPlainText

Can I ignore and just not pass a password if none was provided as part of the creation using Certreq?

Best Answer

However, I'm also unsure where to get the SSL certificate password mentioned here:

you don't need the password. You already have installed the certificate so this and next script line (Import-PfxCertificate cmdlet call) must be omitted.