Use Google Apps to bulk e-mail the customers


I use Google Apps for my company's e-mail. I want to start sending out bulk e-mails. Is it allowed to be sending out via a dedicated google apps account like

Are there any real negatives other than dev time to doing it this way (and maybe not seeing logs – would be able to see undeliverables though)? Is there a suggested batch size?

I'm not averse to using a dedicated resource like Constant Contact or iContact or something. I haven't done email marketing in a while, so I am not sure what is best.

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What would be a recommended service for delivering ~1000 emails like once a week?

Best Answer

You'll get yourself shut down fairly quickly if you do something like this.

There are per-account per-day max limit on the number of emails you can send - I believe it's in the neighborhood of 500. See the Google Apps Sending Limits documentation.

You'll need to consider either running your own mailer or using the services of one of the many companies that specialize in bulk email.

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