Use Hosted Zone of Route53 to another AWS Account


I have 2 AWS accounts A and B. There is a hosted zone my-domain.system in account A, which was originally created by AWS.

Now I want to create same hosted zone my-domain.system in account B, but don't want to migrate anything.

I tried to copy the nameservers of hosted zone of account B to nameservers of the account A, but that messed up the DNS, so I had to roll-back.

I want to achieve like, I created a record set in hosted zone of account B, it should work and I don't have to make changes in the account A's hosted zone.

Best Answer

The solution to this depends on who you registered the domain with. The domain registrar is where you specify the authoritative nameservers for a domain -- not in a hosted zone.

If the registrar is also Route 53, here's the process:

In the Route 53 console, click "Registered Domains."

Select your domain.

Choose "add/edit name servers."

Enter the values for the Route 53 name servers assigned to the new hosted zone in account B, which you'll see on the right side of the screen when you click on the row of the domain from the Hosted Zones page (don't click on the actual domain name, just highlight the row).

If you registered the domain with someone other than Route 53, you'll need to make the changes on that provider's admin console.