Authentication – Using Specific Claims Provider Trust for Application Group


I have a Windows Server 2016 on which I am using ADFS. I followed the link at to configure LDAP (AD LDS) as claims provider trust. Next thing I wanted to configure the application groups or relying parties to use a specific claims provider. For example, I want to use AD for a application, LDS for another and both for third. Currently I get both the options for all the applications. Can anyone help managing this part?

My best guess is adding Issuance tranform rule –> Transform incoming claim because I have already checked access control policies and Properties for the relying party and application groups, and I did not find anything where I can mention the used claims provider trust or authentication method.

Best Answer

From this:

Configure via Relying Party (RP)

A RP is an application e.g. Salesforce.

You can map a RP to an IDP.

e.g. all users of RP A will use the Fabrikam IDP to authenticate.

The command is:

Set-AdfsRelyingPartyTrust -TargetName "RP A" -ClaimsProviderName @("Fabrikam","Active Directory")