User profile lost on Windows XP – recurring problem


Yesterday on of my users reported that when he logged in he got an error stating "Windows cannot load the locally stored profile." He was able to log in to a blank profile, which we then configured for him to use. Today the exact same thing happened again.

How to I permanently fix this problem? This is a local profile on Windows XP. Our domain controller is Windows Server 2003.

Best Answer

Does anything show up in the Windows Event log for when the user logged out yesterday (after you restored his profile), or today (when he got the new profile)?

Does the machine have UPHClean.exe installed? UPHClean will help processes unhook from the registry on logoff, and add useful entries to the event log. These entries may help you troubleshoot what is causing the profile corruption.

You should also try running chkdsk, it's possible data corruption is caused by a problem with the hard drive.