User unable to log in to Active Directory, domain unavailable


Okay, new problem. My Domain Controller is down, and as such, it's normal that users can't login to active directory, right? Now, there's a user who can't login no more using his active directory credentials, I think they might have expired out of the cache.

Question: Is there a painless way to make sure that the user can login, and keep his active directory settings? I know there's a profile folder on the disk, so there should be a way to keep them, which I will inspect later on.

Then, if I need administrative rights, do you people know of a tool to safely reset administrator password on a machine I'm supposed to have access to? Nobody has any idea whatsoever about the Admin password here, and I'm already under a lot of pressure.

Thank you all in advance.

Oh, missing information about the workstation: Windows XP 64. Hardware is irrelevant here, is it not?

Best Answer

"you people"? What do you mean by "you people"? :) Anyway, if your DC is down and that is your only DC, then you should really be focusing on getting AD up and running again instead of trying to get users up and running individually on their local machines. The reason is without AD, you have no central authentication mechanism and therefore all of your "domain" PCs and servers become WORKGROUP PCs isolated from each other. You won't be able to access network resources without providing a local account username/password on each resource. I am not sure what you mean by "keep his active directory settings" either. What is the point of having them if AD isn't working anyway? There are various tools to reset an admin password if you have physical access to the machine. Ironically (or not), most of them are built on Linux :) Here is a link to some of them: