Users in SBS Console differ from what is in AD Users and Computers


We are under SBS 08 and I just saw something weird :

I opened SBS Console => Users and Groups. I refreshed the list of Users and I saw that I wasn't in it !

The list of users shown by SBS Console is different than the one in AD Users and Computers.

I also don't really understand the difference between SBS Role Group and AD role (like Domain Admins, etc).

Thanks for your help !

Best Answer

It seems that it perfectly normal -> click here

"If you have users that do not show in the SBS Console, you can get them to show by using the Change user role for user accounts wizard. It is important to notice that this wizard does much more than correctly “stamping” the user’s msSBSCreationState attribute. Using this wizard is only a work around to get the users to show in the SBS Console that were not created using the SBS provided tools. As shown above, the only recommended way adding new users are using the Add a new user account or Add multiple user accounts wizard."

I still have a question, what's the difference between User Role in SBS, and AD group like Domain Admin ?

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