Users unable to search redirected profile folders

folder-redirectionsearchwindows 7windows-server-2008-r2

All of our clients are using Windows 7. Our file server is Server 2008 R2. We have redirected users' profile folders (My Documents, My Pictures, Favorites, My Videos) to a share on the file server (\\server\UserProfiles\). Inside the UserProfiles share is a folder for each user. When we created the UserProfiles folder, we gave it the following permissions to the users' group per MS's recommendations/best practices:

  • Create Folder/Append Data, List Folder/Read Data, Read Attributes, Traverse Folder
  • Apply to: This folder only

  • Creator/Owner has full control of subfolders and files only.

We have offline files enabled for the profile folders, and we have disabled indexing of offline files.

Whenever users try to search their documents, they get an instant response stating "no items match your search." Those of us who are administrators (like me), we can search our files just fine. I ran across this thread, but our users already have read/traverse permissions for the root folder. What else can I check to fix this problem? It's affecting all of our users.

Best Answer

You have the Traverse folder permission configured for both the \server\UserProfiles share and the actual folder right?