Using a http proxy without manually configuring the browser to use proxy server


I want to setup squid proxy server to be used without manually configuring the browser to use a proxy. For example I should be able to do this in the browser address bar: htttp://squidserverip:3128/ It did not work for me with my basic squid configuration.

What I want is a basic http proxy server with some authentication feature. When the users put the url of the proxy server in the browser address bar (e.g., on getting authenticated, it will display a list of urls that can be accessed through the proxy. Clicking on those urls will fetch those sites through the proxy.

Best Answer

  1. Write a PAC file that mimics your requirements
  2. Host that file on a server somewhere on your LAN
  3. Configure your DHCP server to announce the location of that PAC file
  4. Configure the broswers on your LAN to use "Automatic Proxy Configuration Settings" ( In your browser options )

Some relevant links: