Using ansible with password authentication and different usernames


We're in the position of maintaining multiple database servers, which have one of two admin accounts, and which use password authentication. Lets say that the two accounts are "db_admin" and "db_user". The passwords are the same for all examples of each username, but different between the two usernames – ie the password for all hosts where the username is db_admin is "password1", and the password for all hosts where the username is db_user is "password2".

How can I run playbooks (or even ad-hoc commands) against all hosts. I can set ansible_ssh_user in the inventory, and use -k on the command-line, but this prompts only once for the password, which will therefore be wrong for half the hosts. I could repeat the ansible run, of course, specifying a different host group each time, but I'd like to do it in a single pass.

Aside: Please, I would much prefer key-based authentication – this is not currently an option. I'd also like to (using Ansible, of course) edit /etc/{passwd,shadow,group} and change the username to be the same on all hosts, but that's not possible (and might break other things which rely on, for example an "scp file db_user@host", rather than "scp db_admin@host" ). Thirdly, I'd like to go back in time and prevent the divergence in the first place, but none of these are options yet.

Best Answer

Define the user and password in host_vars per each host or group_vars per host group.

You need to define appropriate parameters listed here, i.e.:

ansible_user The default ssh user name to use.

ansible_ssh_pass The ssh password to use. ** Requires sshpass

Per guidance you should encrypt the values with Ansible Vault.