Group Policy – Set Domain Client Language and Regionalization

group-policylanguagewindows 7

I've got a Windows Server 2008 R2 domain with a number of Windows 7 workstations attached. These workstations could be anywhere in the world and are used as kiosk-like devices, so each workstation is always logged in with the same user account.

I'm therefore looking to find a way to set the language of these workstations to be dependent on a property in the AD, be that an OU or some other property. So, for example, a workstation that is based in Italy will have it's default language/locale/regional set to be Italian.

What's the best way of achieving this, both in terms of defining what language each workstation should default to, and actually enforcing that as policy?

Best Answer

This is a User config, you needed to have this apply to your environment based on the computer, not the user, so you'll need to set the Group Policy loopback processing. That is found under:

Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Group Policy > User Group Policy Loopback Processing Mode 

To set the policy for language and regional settings. In the console tree under User Configuration > Preferences > Control Panel Settings. Right-click the Regional Options > New > Regional Options

To answer your second question about enforcing. I would create an OU for your Kiosk workstations. Under that I would create an OU for each Region. I would put each of your workstations in the specific region container. That way you can apply group policy settings to your Kiosk OU and it will apply to the Region OU as well. Then you can manage each of the regional options inside your Region OU
