Using multiple FCGI binaries on one lighttpd instance – possible


It seems to me that it will be more maintainable to keep separate functions of my site in separate FCGI binaries. What I want is for requests like these:

To be redirected to the appropriate files:


So, in my lighttpd.conf file, I would need something like this:

fastcgi.server =
( ".fcgi" =>
  (( "bin-path" => "/var/fcgi",
     "socket" => "tmp/fcgi.sock",
     "check-local" => "disable"

Or maybe it would have to be more like this:

fastcgi.server = 
( "funcA.fcgi" =>
  (( "bin-path" => "/var/fcgi/funcA.fcgi",
     "socket" => "tmp/fcgi.sock",
     "check-local" => "disable"
( "funcB.fcgi" =>
  (( "bin-path" => "/var/fcgi/funcB.fcgi",
     "socket" => "tmp/fcgi.sock",
     "check-local" => "disable"

Or am I maybe missing something else altogether? I can only get lighttpd to start when there is a single binary being pointed to.

EDIT: To make sure I'm being clear: what I need is for a request like to invoke /var/fcgi/x.fcgi, and likewise a request to to invoke /var/fcgi/y.fcgi. It seems to be like this should be pretty straightforward, but I can't get a lighttpd configuration that makes this happen.

Also, I'm not using anything interpreted. These are compiled C++ binaries using the fcgi_stdio.h header.

Would I perhaps need to use mod_rewrite?

Best Answer

So it looks to me like what I want to do is impossible, or at least not provided for under FCGI. When you invoke, you're not starting thing1.fcgi; that has already been done. What you're doing is sending a request to the infinitely-running FCGI process that you write, which almost certainly has a infinite loop right at the heart of it, waiting for requests. This is just the nature of FCGI, and a major distinction from the earlier CGI.

Not a hard question to answer, once you understand how FCGI works. I guess I was just wishing.