Using Supervisord, how can I start a brand new worker via supervisorctl without restarting other workers


Let's say I have a number of existing workers running in supervisord. I want to add a new worker to the group as well as start the new worker. I perform the following steps:

  1. I modify the file /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf and add the new worker config
  2. Back on the command line, I enter sudo supervisorctl
  3. I run reread to read the new configuration file settings.
  4. Attempting to run start workers:exampleWorkerName gives the error workers:"exampleWorkerName": ERROR (no such process)

So, my question is, how can I start this new worker process without affecting my other existing workers? I'd rather not perform a supervisorctl reload or /etc/init.d/supervisord restart command.

Best Answer

You also need to run supervisorctl update.