Using wget to save sequential files as well as renaming the file extension


I run a cron job that requests a snapshot from a remote webcam at a local address:

wget http://user:pass@

This creates the files snapshot.cgi, snapshot.cgi.1, snapshot.cgi.2, each time it's run.

My desired result would be for the file to be named similar to file.1.jpg, file.2.jpg. Basically, sequentially or date/time named files with the correct file extension instead of .cgi.

Any ideas?

Best Answer

You could probably torture wget into doing it, but why bother? Try

wget http://user:pass@
mv snapshot.cgi snapshot-`date +%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S`.jpeg

This should create date-and-time stamped images like snapshot-2011-04-12-081649.jpeg. Will that do?

Edit: OK, not too much torturing is required:

wget -O snapshot-`date +%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S`.jpeg http://user:pass@

But most of me still prefers the UNIX way of doing it with small, discrete tools.