Using WMI to query Windows Event Collector logs


Using WMI to query the eventlog is quite simple, using Win32_NTLogEvent, for example:

Get-WmiObject -query "SELECT *FROM Win32_NTLogEvent WHERE (logfile='Application' and SourceName='Something')

However, if i want to query a log that contains events collected with Windows Event Collector, they don't show up in the results, even tho events from other sources in the same log does.

I can use the cmdlet Get-Eventlog to retrieve WEC events, but that does not solve my problem.

What i am trying to do, is to use the __InstanceCreationEvent and do something (forward it to a kafka instance) when a new event is inserted in the log. See example from Scripting Guy and Logstash Eventlog input module for example usage.

$query = "Select * from __InstanceCreationEvent Where TargetInstance ISA 'Win32_NTLogEvent' And (TargetInstance.LogFile = 'HardwareEvents')"
$Eventwatcher = New-Object management.managementEventWatcher $Query
$Event = $Eventwatcher.waitForNextEvent()

This works perfectly for normal logs, but not with forwarded events from Windows Event Collector.

Any suggestions?

Best Answer

On your Event Subscription, if you set the "Destination Log" to "System", AND if you do NOT specify logfile in your WHERE condition, then the forwarded events will show up in the results. This is totally weird.