UWSGI writes log as root


I have following uwsgi.ini:

uid = myuser
gid = myuser
master = true
daemonize = /path-to-log/uwsgi.log

I run uwsgi in rc.local. I can see workers run as myuser, I can see uwsgi switches to myuser in log and I'm assuming myuser will also be owner of uwsgi.log. But root is owner of uwsgi.log.

How could I set owner of uwsgi.log? It's for convenience – I'd like to see log without sudo.

Best Answer

(from uwsgi --help):

--logto2 (log to specified file or udp address after privileges drop)

(or the similar --daemonize2 if you want to daemonize)


--logfile-chown (chown logfiles)

Finally remember you can call custom functions at the various server stages:


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