Veeam Backup Size Calculation


This is just an informative question about Veeam Backup size. I was setting some backup tasks in Veeam Backup and FastSCP v4.1.1. And while setting I checked the entire backup size of that task and I could see as shown below:

enter image description here

Source data is shown as 136 GB. But I am confused with the other two sections. What does these mean?
How estimated required space is calculated.?

Best Answer

Veeam can compress and dedupe your data, so it makes a best guess on how big your compressed and deduped backup set is going to be. That's the "Estimated full backup size".

As for the Estimated Required Space, what version of Veeam is this? I believe there was a bug circa 2010 that miscalculated disk sizes based thin provisioned disks.

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