Viewing CloudWatch log metric filters for each individual log stream


I have a number of EC2 instances, each running a separate instance of my application. All log files are being streamed into CloudWatch, using the hostname of each EC2 instance as the log stream name, so I have multiple log streams for each log group.

I want to create a custom metric for each of my EC2 instances using data from the CloudWatch logs. I've set up a metric filter, but this aggregates the data across all the log streams in my log group. I want to be able to see this metric for each individual EC2 instance (i.e. separate by log stream). Is this possible? Or if not, how would I achieve this? (The only method I can think of would be to use a different log group for each instance, which isn't ideal).

Best Answer

I'm having the same problem. If you are using CloudFormation to deploy your instances and/or log streams, the best way I have found to do this is by appending a reference to your instance ID at the end of your metric name.

"MetricTransformations": [
    "MetricValue": "1",
    "MetricNamespace": "myNamespace",
    "MetricName": { "Fn::Join": [ "", [ "myMetric - ", { "Ref" : "InstanceID" }] ] }

What would be nice is if you could somehow associate your logstreams as a dimension in a single metric, rather than creating one for each instance.

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