Virtual Disk Degraded


There is a physical DC with a Raid 1 Mirror, 2 Physical Disks, 500GB each. Dell Server Administrator is installed on the DC, and is reporting both physical disks are fine, online, in a good state etc. On a PERC S300 Raid Controller:

Physical Disk 0:0
Physical Disk 0:1

However at the same time it's reporting that a virtual disk is degraded, what exactly does this mean? The virtual disk indicates it's State is in a Raid 1 Layout. Device Name: Windows Disk 0

If my understanding is correct then the Virtual Disk, when you drill down into Dell OpenManage should have both physical disks as members, as it is a mirror? Is this correct? However, when I drill down into the Virtual Disk, it only displays Physical Disk 0:0 included in Virtual Disk 1.

I'm very new to server side/raid management etc. just while our server techy is away!


enter image description here

Best Answer

RAID 1 is a mirror. The fact that when you drill down into the virtual disk, you only see Physical Disk 0:0 means that Disk 0:1 has failed and is showing as removed.

You could try removing the faulty disk (should be showing with an orange light) and re-inserting it - this sometimes kicks off a rebuild but even if that works you should probably consider replacing the drive to be on the safe side.

If the drive needs replacing, check if you have pro support on that server before you go buying anything - Dell will send you a new one for free if you have, but they'll probably ask you to do a DSET report first.

It's unusual for the Dell OMSA console to show a RAID virtual disk as degraded but the physical disks as not having any problems. Try refreshing the physical disk status to see if anything changes.

EDIT: From the hardware log you posted, it does look like disk 0:1 failed and then came back online. Normally, if OMSA thinks the hardware looks OK, this would let you initiate a rebuild of the array. You might want to try this but I would expect the disk to fail again before long.