Virtual machine lost after power cut


We have just had a power issue and our ESX (ESXi 4.1.0) host lost power and then rebooted. All but one of the virtual servers have rebooted with no problem, however one of them refused to power up.

I try to power it on and I get the following error:

File <unspecified filename> was not found
Reason: The system cannot find the file specified.
Cannot open the disk '/vmfs/volumes/4e03076e-90834647-b846-001185c38f42/LAMP-   Stack/turnkey-lamp-11.3-lucid-x86.vmdk' or one of the snapshot disks it depends on. 
VMware ESX cannot find the virtual disk "/vmfs/volumes/4e03076e-90834647-b846-  001185c38f42/LAMP-Stack/turnkey-lamp-11.3-lucid-x86.vmdk". Verify the path is valid and try again. 

I have logged into the ESX host to see if the file is there an have found only the following file that matches the filename:

/vmfs/volumes/4e03076e-90834647-b846-001185c38f42/LAMP-Stack/turnkey-lamp-11.3-l                  ucid-x86-s001.vmdk

I notice that the above file has '-s001' after the filename. Is this recoverable?

Any help of advice is greatly appreciated!


Running ls -l on the directory that contains the file shows this:

drwxr-xr-t  1 root root  1680 Feb  9 09:49 4e03076e-90834647-b846-001185c38f42

The databrowser file system looks like this:


and in a different directory there is the file that matches the missing one:


Best Answer

That single file is only a snapshot. If that is the only file you have for this won't be able to restore it. Where are the other VMDK and VMX files? Go into the directory (volume) "4e03076e-90834647-b846-001185c38f42" that you show in the screen shot and do an ls -l there and show us the output.

Depending on what is still available in that volume, I would suggest removing the VM from inventory and adding it back in. You will need a .vmx file to do this.

In addition, can you provide the ESXi log files which are available via DCUI (console) or SSH: Location of ESXi 3.5-4.1 log files. Good log files would be Messages (/var/log/messages) and Hostd.log (/var/log/vmware/hostd.log)

Hope this helps.