Virtual machine shows no network adapter


I had a an old Lotus/Domino server (R5), I just virtualized. It ran Windows 2000 server. I had to use Vmware Converter v3.x to create the vm because it was the only one I could find that could actually do a Win2k machine that had no service packs. It was just put out to pasture a couple months ago, so it isn't being used except to store the old email for archiving. It took a bit of work to get it onto the Win2008R2 servers hyper-v but I got it there.

EDIT: Forgot to mention I used VMDK2VHD to convert the vmdk to a vhd.

Problem now, is that the network adapter didn't show up. I could not install the guest additions because it needed sp4 + on win2k… so I installed sp4 onto the vm guest.

Everything seems fine except the network adapter still isn;t showing up in device manager. NOthing. Now this server had an external ip, and I did not want it to be put onto the internal virtual network. I am going to use a dedicated adapter on the host (hyper-v server) if that matters… but this shouldn't matter if the the guests network adapter doesn't show at all.

Device Mananger "show hidden devices" I get the following:

enter image description here

I also loaded the vmdk file into VMWare PLayer, and no network adapters displayed. Results were the same as the image. So the problem isn't VMDK2VHD.


Best Answer

Sounds like you do not have a Legacy network adapter assigned to the VM in Hyper-V manager.

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