VMs on SAN vs NAS


I'm about to deploy XenServer on a DELL R900 and haven't finalized on the Storage yet.
Would typically be running like 40 VMs on the server with requires about 2TB of storage.

What should I choose Local Attached Storage, NAS, SAN? Need to build a soultion that gives a better performance, scale-up and backup options.

Best Answer

If you have just a single R900 server to dedicate to this project then there is no reason not to use local storage - it's going to be the cheapest and the fastest. I will not turn this discussion into a disscusion about if this is something you should do or not :-) 40 VM's running on a single server may or may not have the preformance/redundency that you require - that is another topic.

SAN storage is required when you have multiple servers dedicated to hosting your VM environment. The shared nature of the SAN allows each server to have access to the VM files. This allows things such as vMotion (or Live Migration).