VMware Converter erroring with Unsupported version URI “urn:converter/7.0 – how to resolve


I'm attempting to use VMware Standalone Converter version 6.11 (current version, installed very recently) to create a backup of an existing VMed Windows machine on a remote VMware hypervisor. However as soon as I give VMware Converter the source machine IP and login, it throws this error:

A general system error occurred: Not supported version: Unsupported version URI "urn:converter/7.0" while parsing SOAP body at line 6, column 0 while parsing SOAP envelope at line 2, column 0 while parsing HTTP request before method was determined at line 1, column 0.

Googling has left me none the wiser about what could be causing this, it appears to be a version mismatch of some kind but as I'm running an up to date version of Converter I'm not sure what is objecting to what?

Not sure if relevant, but if I attempt to connect to the hypervisor running the VM in question from the same Windows 10 laptop the Vsphere client installer it wants to download throws an error about "This can only be installed on Win XP SP2 or above" (it's V5). I'm wondering if there are support files that are needed from Vsphere before Converter will connect? And if so is there any way to persuade it that yes, Windows 10 is a version above XP SP2? Just a guess though.

Edit: I tried installing Vsphere from the hypervisor, and Converter, on a Windows 2003 machine on the same network. Vsphere accepted that as being "XP SP2 or above" and installed correctly and connects to the hypervisor quite happily. However Converter throws exactly the same error when given the login credentials of the VM I want to copy.

Best Answer

Is it possible that an older version of the converter or its agent is installed inside the VM? If yes, uninstall it. The VMware Converter installs its own agent automatically if you connect to the machine with administrator credentials.

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