VMware vSphere – Copy Cloned Image to External Hard Drive


I am running into difficulties trying to copy a cloned VM in VCenter to an external hard drive.

Currently I am running vSphere client version 6.0.0 build 2502222, and vCenter Server version 6 build 339083. I have 3 relevant hosts (A, B, and C for simplicity).

A has a cloned copy of one VM, B has a cloned copy of a second VM, and C has a 2 TB USB drive connected to the physical machine (Which I can get VM's on that host to see, but I can't seem to get the host to see it for a datastore).

I need to be able to get the cloned VM's onto the external HDD to send to a third party for evaluation/setup. I have found a few methods on the web, however they all require SSH access, which we do not have the credentials for. (Legacy system our group inherited).

Best Answer

As you don't have a SSH access;

I would suggest to create a NFS share from inside one of your VM, map the NFS share to create the datastore from your ESX and copy the VHD there, and after copy it to the attached USB disk from inside the VM.

I assume a Windows VM (be sure to have enought hard disk space)

  • Add the NFS service.
  • Create the NFS share inside the VM.

The configuration should look that way, sorry for the french text;

enter image description here

  • In the ESX, map to that NFS's share.
  • From there copy the necessary file into that datastore. You need to select Copy To, and you can select the other datastore (that is your NFS share inside the VM)

As seen there from the web vsphere, but the option should be there in 6.0;

enter image description here

  • After the copy, from inside the VM you should see the file inside your shared folder, simply re-copy it to the mapped USB device.
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