VMware ESXi: dynamic registration in DNS fails


I installed an ESXi server 5.5 in our test lab. Everything runs fine, the VMs I host on the server are able to do dhcp and get registered in the DNS.

But I am unable to register the ESXi host itself. It gets an IP address via DHCP but I can't resolve the name I set up.

There must be some setting I forgot. What I did set up was:
Configuration / Software / DNS and routing / Host identification: name = nameofserver
Configuration / Software / DNS and routing / Host identification: domain = domainname.mycompany

/bin/hostname displays nameofserver.domainname.mycompany

I tried with ipv6 disabled and enabled, both fails. I need to get the hostname registered in the DNS because from time to time the IP address changed and then i'm "lost" because I first have to get permission to enter the test lab and read the newly assigned IP from the screen 😉

The Linux VMs that succeed in registering their dns name are configured this way:

/etc/hosts localhost nameofserver

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
hostname nameofserver


send host-name "nameofserver"

All this works fine with Ubuntu 12 to 14. I never had to put domainname.mycompany into any of my configuration files on Ubuntu, that seems to get transferred via dhcp.

Best Answer

you solve the problem: esxihost1.town.company.dhcp.company as follows: esxcli system settings advanced set -o /Misc/PreferredHostName -s host Do not specify domain. The domain comes from the ESXi search settings.

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