VMWare Guest OS networking problems talking with Host OS over wireless


My setup is the following:

  • VMWare Workstation 6.5
  • Host OS – Vista Ultimate x64
  • Guest OS – Vista Ultimate x64
  • Notes – Both OS in same domain and
    using DHCP (and can talk to any machine on the network and over the internet fine)
  • Other special Notes – this is a newer
    laptop and the network adapter
    supports IPV6
  • Network Adapter – Bridged (with
    Replicate State checked)
  • Guest Isolation – VMCI is checked to
    allow host communication
  • The goal is to get both the Guest and
    Host to see eachother and the

I have tried the following with the following results (just pinging):

Disabled all network adapters on HostOS (except wireless) :
This works intermittently from the HostOS to the GuestOS (dropped packets), and doesn't work at all from the GuestOS to the HostOS … however I did notice something strange when I ping the GuestOS(by name) on the GuestOS … it successfully pings with IPV6 … when I ping the GuestOS(by name) from the HostOS it seemingly uses IPV4. I disabled IPV6 on both adapters (Guest and Host) and received similar results and the GuestOS ping to the GuestOS looks something like this :::::::1 but it states that it was a successful ping.

Tried everything I did above, however, over the regular ethernet adapter:
Works like a champ no problems. However that weird self ping on the GuestOS still returns IPV6 responses.

Tried NAT with similar results.

Best Answer

I don't have one to test on, but I believe you can't really get bridging to work over wireless, you have to use NAT mode or similar.

However, someone on Vmware's community site suggested this trick:

If you use the Virtual Network Editor, Automatic Bridging tab, and turn off Automatic, then select the adaptor you do NOT want to use it will switch to the other. So you would select NOT to bridge the non-wireless card.