VMWare Server High Processor Usage (Disk I/O)


I have a Dell Power Edge 6850 with 2 physical Dual Quad Core Processors and 24GB of Ram as our VMWare Host Server. We have VMWare Server (Old GSX) installed on this box and have 5 Virtual Servers (Guests) running. The Guest OS's are running off of a Dell MD1000 Array connected via Dell Perc 5e card. The drives are Satau 7200 RPM. All of these Servers run Windows Server 2003 R2.

The problem we are having is that when we read from or write to the VM (Guest OS) the processor usage jumps to between 80-100%. I used Process explorer and saw that Hardware Interrupts are what is jumping. I know this is a Disk I/O issue (I have used tools to verify the disk write backs) My question is where is the bottleneck occurring? Is it at the SCSI card, the Array or the drives themselves? I seem to think it is the drives, but does anyone know of a way to verify this? Any input would be appreciated.

Best Answer

Running ESXi instead of VMware-server will give you a HUGE performance boost. In either case I bet your second proc isnt licensed, IE, its not being used.

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